At his place, we watched It's a Beaituful Life starring Ronald Cheng, Tony Leung and Teresa Mo. It is about Thunder (Ronald Cheng) who is a God came to earth to help a guy (whom Thunder has promised to solve all his problems when he[guy] was a young boy) to solve his worldly problems. As you can guess, with Ronald Cheng, it's a hilarious movie.

After movie, we played mahjong till 3.30am. During the entire time playing mahjong, I didn't really have mood. I was worried about my work, there's an urgent shipment to Cairo. I didn't have mood also because I've been losing from the very first game. Tho' my tiles were nice, but I couldn't finish it. Not like that day playing at my home, I managed to finish most of the time. At the end, my total lost is RM20++. *frownn* Luckily, at the beginning of the game we've agreed to divide the amount by 5, meaning I only have to pay around RM4++.
Anyway, then had breakfast at Sin Kong Restaurant, Taipan with Tat & Sorchai before going home.