For the past 2 weeks, i've been getting lots of positive responses at A Great Pleasure. It started with being awarded The Thinking Blogger Award by Marzie and at the same time getting great reviews about A Great Pleasure by Marzie [again :) ] and Hfadzli. And later on, getting interviewed at by Merkal. All of these have given me much encouragements to keep on blogging. And also not forgetting those comments i received, thank you all for your supports!
Marzie have been giving me a lot of supports in terms of visiting my blog and teaching me the viral tag and icons thingy. She's a great coach and a great friend. From her beautiful writting at Mariuca, i can tell that she's a smart charming lady. And this have been confirmed in the interview she had with Woman: God's Masterpiece. [Blog Insider: Mariuca]
Talking about Woman: God's Masterpiece, behind this marvellous blog are two handsome men, Bobby & John who knows how to make us women smile all day long. Their sincere appreciation and admiration towards women are boldly shown in WGM. I've known Bobby from MyBlogLog, he's defintely a smart and friendly guy. Visit WGM and you'll know that i am telling the truth.
Hfadzli who has done a mini review on A Great Pleasure is a Malaysian blogger too. His blog Money Maker Spot is straight to the point with its description 'Get Rich or Die Trying'. He's a generous guy who loves sharing his online experiences on how to make money online and monetize your blog.
Merkal is from Istanbul, a city where two continents meet. That is why he named his blog Let's meet where the continents meet! which is everything about Istanbul and a little of his random thoughts.
I am glad that I took the first step to blog in A Great Pleasure. It's really a great pleasure to interact with peoples around the world and at the same time to learn from each others.