It is my great pleasure to handed out this award to these five wonderful friends i met in the net (besides Janice and Marzie).
1. Sam at Simple Life: We have one particular thing in common, which is FOOD. We have been sharing info on great places to eat or even lousy places to avoid. It's great to have him because now i can doubled my experience in this so called "food industry" :P
2. Kev at Kev's Walkabout: Kev is a good cook, though sometimes experiment may fail. *wink* He has a cute dog (now puppy) whom he named Bubbles.
3. Bobby at Revellian: Bobby is a natural talented blogger. He has the exact words to describe and send his messages across nicely smooth. Our friendship have just begun, and I have so much to learn from him. :)
4. Mr. Zubli at Who is Zubli Zainordin: Mr. Zubli is a fun, friendly & naughty man. Try just sending a hello greeting to him and he will reply you as soon as he sees it. Be prepared! For the teasing has just begin. Haha.
5. Nick from Anything Goes!: Nick is one of my first commenter. That's how i get to know him. He has been giving me supports at A Great Pleasure through thick and thin. Silently, without my realization, we've became friends on net. It's a leisure to read his blog as it is entertaining.
There goes my five schmoozers. Congratulations to all of you! :)
Secondly, I have the well known beautiful Marzie awarded with me Rockin' Girl Blogger. She took me offguard as I didn't expect to get another award so soon. It's not about getting these awards, it's about those wonderful peoples who's giving these awards. Thanks, Marzie! :)
It's a great honor to be given this opportunity to present this wonderful pink Rockin' Girl Blogger award to:
1. Janice at This is a Miracle: I hesitated to present this award to her because she have just received her 2nd Rockin Girl Blogger award. But after a long thought, i just needed to let her know that "You rocks, Gurl!!" So, there you go, your 3rd RGB award. :)
2. Suzie at 1Day at ATime: I thought this would be a great encouragement for Suzie to keep blogging and her neatly arranged blog with great musics and contents definitely deserve this.
3. ChiaMimi at ChiaMimi: With a touch of gothic style, ChiaMimi writes poetry to express herself.
4. Sh'n at Sh'ntigrade: She's my best girlfriend cum younger sis. Her blog is very personal, it's an online daily journal of her life and how she feels deep inside.
And the last one goes to...

5. Jerry at JerryLee's Lab: Though I am not at a good connection with him, but his blog definitely earned this award. I love the cartoons/ graphics he drew on his blog. :)
Congratulations to my five bloggers! :)