Blog Title : A Great Pleasure
Description : Cooking/Baking can keep my mind away from all the stresses from workplace. I love to see the expression on the faces of those who savor my cooking/baking. I love eating as much as cooking. Being able to eat anything i wanted [without having to worry about the calories or the extra pounds i'm gonna get] is one of the greatest joy.
It's A Great Pleasure to be able to cook [for my families & friends] & to enjoy delicious food from other cooks.
Name : Jean Chia
Country : Malaysia
Birthday : Federal Territory's Day
About Me & My Favourites:

----- Instruction to this meme -----
1st step Post a short blog article that includes a photograph (or a series of photos) showing the face behind your blog. If you already show a photo somewhere on your site (such as in your about page), then make your post more interesting and choose a photo that’s not currently online.
2nd step Include links to other people that have displayed a photo, or include their photos in your post, adding a reference. Here are the others who have participated so far:
Gayla at Mom GadgetChar at Essential KeystrokesPaul at Reflections Rob at 2DolphinsZep at The In-Sect Ingo at StixsterStevie at Lost In Cyberspace The Paper Bull at (oddly enough) The Paper BullLisa Sabin-Wilson at Just A Girl In The WorldDawud Miracle at Wendy Piersall at eMoms at Home Dennis Bjorn Petersen at The Beta News Randa Clay at Randa Clay DesignDrew McLellan at The Marketing MinuteBecky McCray at Small Biz Survival Phil Gerbyshak at Make it Great!Steve Woodruff at StickyFigure Dave Olson at Live the GREAT life that you desireGreg at Become a Remote Control SEOAriane Benefit at Neat Living Blog Genesis at the At Home Mom BlogArmen at iFFECT.NET Mihaela Lica at Online Public RelationsTara at Graphic Design BlogDoris Chua at Home Office Women Edward Mills at Evolving TimesTony D. Clark at Success from the Nest Jonathan-C Phillips at SmartWealthyRichKaren at A Deaf Mom Shares Her WorldLisa Gates at intrinsic life design Rammel Firdaus at rammelfirdaus.comCarol at Pentimento Adam Kayce at Monk at WorkThomas at Technical BloggerTammy Lenski at I Can?t Say That! Chris Brown at Branding & Marketing Rory Sullivan at HamelifeDerek Wong at Going The Wong WayEmbuck at embuck.comMs. Q at QMusings Shelly Tucker at This Eclectic Life Steve at Ramblings from the MarginalizedTroy Worman at on!blogLilith at Lilith’s Owl NestRevov at REVO-OVER Karin at Stop/Start Jamy at Seay's Kopitam Janice at this is a miracle Jean at A Great Pleasure FLSam at Simple Life Suzie at 1 Day At A Time David Airey :: Graphic Design Mika at Text Unlimited Marzie at Mariuca Adrian at First Time Dad Nick at Anything Goes
3rd step Tag as many others as you like in your post to spread the meme.
And now, I would like to tag the below four amazing blogs (bloggers) for this "The Face Behind The Blog" meme. Do take your time to do this as i am very interested to know more of you. ;) Have fun!
1 Day At A Time
Text Unlimited
Simple Life
Days of My Life
Please drop me a comment when you've done this meme, i'll include you in my list. Thanks. :)
Disclaimer: The avatars/ graphics above were taken from Does not belong to me.
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