
Pink Penguin: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I’ve been tagged by Marzie on her post, Pass the Pink Penguin in conjunction with the ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’ month of October. According to Marzie, below are several tips on how women can avoid breast cancer and remain healthy.

• Maintain a positive mental attitude
• Do aerobic exercise 3-4 times a week
• Practice breathwork and deepening body-awareness such as yoga
• Express your feelings to keep your energy flowing
• Ensure healthy eating habits and complement your food intake with the right supplements
• Avoid toxicity

How you can help raise awareness on breast cancer:-

1. Spread the word. Announce the event on your blog. You could write a blog post (like this), or a little note about it. Whatever you choose to do, just go ahead and tell your readers about it.

2. Go pink. Modify your theme if you know how to, or get yourself a pretty pink theme. If you run a website, turn your website pink. But if you don’t like pink, you could still participate by putting up a badge on your sidebar.

3. Design badges and banners. Design a couple of “Pink for October” badges or banners for other participants to use (for free) and to publicize the event. Some of the existing badges and banners can be downloaded from the Official Pink for October Site.

4. Design blog themes. There are a lot of bloggers who can’t even do simple designing, so if you are good at it, perhaps you could design and release a few pink themes? So, I am hoping that whoever happens to read my post, please do something to spread the awareness. It only takes a moment of our time.

In doing my part, here's a post i've written on National Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October! I would like to encourage all my readers to click on this site daily to help fund free mammograms and post a similar post like this to help raise awareness.

Thank you! :)

Additional Note - added on 24/Oct 2007: Emila has created this cute penguin in conjuntion with Breast Cancer Awareness month!

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