Travelling around Alexandria is easy. Taxis are everywhere. But the taxi do not go by meter. So you have to set your own charges. If you think the journey is short, around 5mins, then just pay the driver LE5. If he ask for more, just give him another LE2. You have to be tough over there, if not he will ask you for more. Just give him LE2 and leave the taxi.
Horse Chariot

Besides taxi, you can also travel by horse chariot, which is easily spotted by the road side. The fare is quite expensive compared to taxi. For a 10mins journey by taxi, horse chariot will cost you LE50. Yes, we were taken aback when he told us the fare, because it will only cost us LE10 if we take a taxi. So darling negotiated the fare with the rider. From LE50, to LE20. Darling firmly said he will only give the max fare LE20. The horse chariot rider have no choice but to accept it. hehe.. good deal, right? :) Anyway, we gave him another LE5 for the good control of the chariot. It was really comfortable sitting in the chariot while enjoying the views, and the cool breeze sweeping through your face.
Tikka, The fishmarket Restaurant

A big restaurant by the seaside offering lots of seafood and unforgettable views. You get to select your favorite fish/ seafood and style of cooking. Served with lots of salad & bread, as well as its dippings. Yummy~licious!
Train from Alexandria to Cairo
Alexandria Train Station
On the last day, we took a train back to Cairo from Alexandria. It's a very old train station whereby they are still using the old huge ticketing machine. A second-class train [air-conditioned] like this will cost you
LE25/ person. For tourists, it is advisable not to take the non air-conditioned train.
Remember to buy your ticket in advance because it maybe fully booked.

In our case, we did not purchase the ticket in advance. Silly us, we thought we could just purchase the ticket on the spot like KTM or LRT here! But was told that it was fully booked when we tried to purchase the 6.30am train. Blessedly, there are still places left in the 8.15am train. The journey is about 3hours. Refreshment was served on the train
(at your own cost). There is a toilet in the train, but use it only if you really cannot
Giza Pyramids & Sphinx, Cairo
"What's Egypt without going to pyramids?" I thought. And since our flight was a midnight flight, it gave us plenty of time in the afternoon to walk around Cairo. But before that, we have to checked into a hotel to put our luggage & to freshen up ourselves. A room with two single beds at The Baron, Heliopolis Hotel will cost you USD110/ night.
Best sugarcane water! 3 glasses for LE2.
Police traffic at almost every junction of roads in Cairo.
Me on camel, darling on horse. It was tiring sitting on the camel! It looks alot easier to watch people ride on the camel than sitiing on it yourself.
View of Cairo from the pyramids.
My camel! :)
For more pictures, please visit my
FB album. :) Thank you!
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