I gotto say she really is something. It was like she can reads my mind because I've never mentioned anything about scrapbooking until yesterday, and there she was tagging me before i even publish AGP Is Into Digi Scraping. How does she knows? Amazing, rite! :)
Anyway, here's my scrapbooking element. I am Fibers! :)

Fun and crazy at times. You are a warm fuzzy kind of person. You run around getting things done but still find time for fun!
You have so many diverse interests that it is often hard to pin you down to any one thing. People love your friendly attitude and carefree ways. You often brighten other people's days.
But Fibers Beware - Sometimes people don't take you seriously because of your happy-go-lucky ways. Sometimes you find yourself feeling left out from decision making that could directly affect you. Even though you like to be happy and cheerful, make sure others know that you can also be serious and in tune with reality.
I know that there are alot of bloggers doing scrapbooking but right now, I can only name two: Emila & Trinity. So, ladies, I'm tagging both of you to do this quiz. I've embedded the quiz here for your conveniences too. (click here if the below form doesn't work)
After doing the quiz, remember to includes the below list in your blog as well. Let's keep this going, k! Thank you, ladies! :)
THE SCRAPAHOLIC ME - Stickers Because Life Is Fun - Paper Quicker8- paper Just Me.. Eds - Glue Anything and Everything in Between - Paper A Great Pleasure - Fibers Emila - Paper Craft & Swap - Paper What scrapbooking item are you?
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