

I Love Your Blog! Award

Woohoo!! I've been nominated not just once, but thrice for the same wonderful "I Love Your Blog!" award from three of my blogger friends: Mommyallehs, Bono and Felix. Thank you, guys! This award meant a lot to me. I'd really appreciate this! Love you guys! *HUGZ* :)

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The rules of the award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you have nominated.

Previous awardees: Mabelle, Prily, Ate Norma, I Love Philippines Too, Shenga, Nova, WebbieStuffs, Nancy, Webloglearner, Pinay Wahm, and My So Called Life, Let's Spice Things Up, Beauty and Shop, Idealpinkrose, allin, kimchiland, Korean Food, The Paper Vision, Embrace Simplicity, Me and Mine, A Window To Our World, A Grateful Heart, Can of Thoughts, A Mother's Stuff,, MommyAllehs Up-Close and Personal, Glossa~licious, The Spirit of Blogging, Help my novel save the world..., A Great Pleasure, Listening, Learning, Living..., ADD YOUR LINKS HERE.

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I would like to pass this award to: Marzie, Emila, Janice, Bobby, LJ, FL Sam, Bro Bokjae, Pia, NAFASG, Shemah, Ratu Syura, Rozella, Nina, Metz, Kero, Mamo, Sushi, Jackie, Marvic, Roxy and Manggis.

Hope you guys love this award! I've change the award graphic to suit my taste. ^^

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