Have i ever told u that my future FIL is a great cook? No? OMG, how could I hv missed that in
AGP! Well, I tell you now, He is a great cook! He can cook almost anything from
BBQ ribs to Wan Tan Noddle. The only thing that he doesn't cook is dessert.

And just yesterday, he has made the most rare scrumptious meal ever: Sweet & Spicy Crabs. This is one of his signature dish. The last he cook this was 3 years back. So, now you understand why i said it's rare. :)
We didn't have our usual white rice over dinner. Instead we had toast bread with it. There were 7 of us and we've finished two loaves of bread. The dinner was superb, yummy~licious! :)

First Commentator

Congratulations, Jackie! and thank you for your comments love! :)
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Families,Foods,Weekend Snapshot