

10 Thingy I Hate

Janice tagged me on 10 Things I Hate. This is something I've never done before and I am excited to reveal these to all of you. Here goes the 10 thingy i hate...
  • Food I hate : Internal parts of all kind animals (eg; liver, etc..).
  • Fruit I hate : Pineapple (Like Janice said, hate the numbness on tongue after eating).
  • Veggies I hate : Dark Green Leafy.
  • Celebrities/People that I hate : I would say I hate two faced people.
  • Event/Situation/Incident that I hate : Being not able to do anything but just to wait for the problem to passes me by.
  • TV shows/movies that I hate : Movies with no story.
  • Music I hate : Some of the Heavy Metal.
  • Household chores that I hate : I don't like to do household chores. If I have to choose one, I would choose sweeping. I prefer vacuuming. :)
  • Things that you hate around the world : Uncivilization.
  • Things that you hate about yourself : Procrastination.

Ok, what do you think? It's a step forward in knowing me, right! ;) Likewise, i would also like to take a step forward in our friendship. So, to the below 5 bloggers, please reveal your "10 Things I Hate": (If any of you done this before, you can choose not to redo. Just comment your post to me)



And here's an additional bonus about me! ^^

You Are a Brownie

Decadent and intense, you aren't for the weakhearted.
Those who can deal with your strong flavor find out how sweet you really are.

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