

Technorati FavaTrain

I've been invited by the BIG GUY Bobby to join him on this train. (Thanks, Bobby!) He said he has a private cabin for us, don't u Bobby? Or was it just for Marzie? :)

I believed that this will be an enjoyable and beneficial journey with/ for the rest of these great peoples which i have just fave and the peoples who are yet to join us! :)

______________________copy below all the way down_______________


It’s easy and worth it. If you want to move up in Technorati there are 2 ways to get there: gaining massive amounts of links to you from other blogs, or getting the most favourites. One thing you can do is get lots of favourites who favourite you in return! Before you start you may want to grab this supercool autofave program from Eng Tech. All the people who have favourited you, this automatically favourites them in return. No more excuses for not returning the favour!

Automatic Technorati Fave program the coolest program ever! Finds fans that have favorited you and automatically favorites them!


(Reword the following paragraph a little. The techbold link should be changed to link to who you got this from {me}. Move the 4 new faves (one is you) to old faves below Gary Lee. Add 3-4 new people to new faves. Each name linked to their blog, and Fave the site is the link on their technorati fave widget on their site. AND, NAME THE WHOLE POST DIFFERENT FROM MINE!)

The time has come for me to get up on the Technorati Fave Train. I was added to the Technorati Fave Train yesterday by Techbold. The Train was started at Gary Lee.

It took me sometime to read all the blogs and now I’ve more blogs to check out every day! Phew! That was quite a bit of work.

So, do you want to ride the train?

***Start Copying Here***

Here are the rules:
1. Write a short introduction paragraph about what how you found the list and include a link to the blog that referred you to the list.
2. COPY the Rules and ENTIRE List below and post it to your blog. To avoid duplicate content and increase the amount of keywords your site can accessible for, go ahead and change the titles of the blog. Just don’t change the links of the blog.
3. Take “My New Faves” and move them into the “The Original Faves” list.
4. Add at least 3 Blogs that you’ve just added to your Technorati Favorites to the “My New Faves” section. Remember to also add the “Fave Me” link next to your new blogs (i.e.
5. Add Everyone on this list to your Technorati Favorites List by clicking on “Fave the Site.” (Please FAVE EVERYONE on the List prior to posting the list or a Kitten will Die Alone in a Dark Alley Tonight). Those who want good karma will fave you back. If not, you will for sure get the benefits of faves from the bloggers who continue this list after you.

My New Faves

Bobo Bimbo - Fave the Site
Barrett Laurie - Fave the Site
Nick Philips - Fave the Site
Nessa - Fave the Site

The Original Faves

Gary Lee - Fave the Site *
Amber - Fave the Site
Mariuca - Fave the Site
JeanChia - Fave the Site
Janice - Fave the Site
Bobby Revell - Fave the Site
Wonder Woman - Fave the Site
Steve Olson
Fave the Site
BlogoSquareFave the Site
Dosh Dosh - Fave the Site
Nate Whitehill - Fave the Site
Ms. Danielle - Fave the Site
Jeff Kee - Fave the Site
Scribble on the Wall - Fave the Site
Jimi Morrisons Head - Fave the Site
Jon Lee - Fave the Site
SiteLogic - Fave the Site
Julies Journal - Fave the Site
Tea & Slippers - Fave the Site
Pencil Thin - Fave the Site
Garry Conn - Fave the Site
Stephen Fung - Fave the Site
eWritings - Fave the Site
Mommy’s Getaway - Fave the Site
GR8 Egypt - Fave the Site
Divya Uttam - Fave the Site
Sean Dinner - Fave the Site
O Salepito - Fave the Site
Kyle Beabo - Fave the Site
Six Degrees of Inspiration
- Fave the Site
Randa Clay Design - Fave the Site
Failure is the key to success - Fave the Site
Fave me - Nuovbusiness
Tech Bold - Fave the Site**

* - Train Engineer
** - Last Wagon

***End Copying Here***


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