

"U Comment, I Follow" - Linkies Love

I had an email-conversation with Marzie this afternoon. It goes like this...

She said, "Hi Jean, Am looking at your Linkies Love Tag post. What is this DO FOLLOW plug in all about? Can elaborate a bit? Thanks dear!"

I asked her back, "Hi marzie! What is DO FOLLOW? I’ve been wanted to ask someone for a long time already.. :P"

She answered, "Ha ha ha, I thot u know mah cause it's included in your Linkies Love. Cause I have no idea what it is so am wondering if I can still do the linky love without it. Guess I can huh? LOL!"

I replied in shock, "Included in my linkies love? Wer is it? How it looks like? Wer? Wer? :P I’m so lost. I saw a lot of ppls got this DO FOLLOW list, but I dunno wat is it. I think you can still do the linky love w/o it. ;) Yay!! Marzie is writing a new post. :)"

She said in disbelief, "Ha ha ha, u mean u didn't realize it's listed under the rules of urlinkies love? That's how I came across it. There's a DO FOLLOW list?? Hmmm, maybe I'll do some research on it, but if it gets too technical, then forget it la he he he..."

That's how it leads me[us] to find out more about DO FOLLOW/NO NOFOLLOW thingy. Sweet & intelligent Marzie found two useful articles about it: You Comment, I Follow You. Or At Least Google Will and Removing NoFollow From Blogger Styled Layouts. Read it and you will roughly get the meaning.

What encourages me to join this "movement" is that i can reward my commenters with linkies love. Whenever you see this badge [below] at someones blog, that's mean a link love is following you should you comment on that blog. ;)

U Comment, I Follow

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