I was tagged by
Janice and
Bobo on
10 Things Happened in my life. This is an interesting meme as you will get dig up alot of stuffs about the person you've tagged. But before that, you will also need to reveal some of your past. So, before i get my nose into other peoples' past, i will share my past with you all first.
When I was.....
ive years old, I had an 18-stitches operation on my forehead at the right side. I only recalled bits of pieces from that incident. You see, my dad can't take any alcoholic drinks. I meant REALLY CANT drink. A glass of red wine is enough to make him sleep through the night.
So, on this particular day, me and my mom were in the bedroom. My mom was mopping the floor when my dad appeared at the doorway, drunk. He couldn't stand up straight. My mom called for my sister and brother to help him. He needed to vomit, so, they helped him to the toilet
(which was in the bedroom). I hurriedly carried a chair to him. While on the way, i falled down and knocked on the edge of bedframe. If this incident happen in modern days, i wouldn't have to get the 18-stitches. Why? Because in modern days, the bedframe are made of wood, but in'oldern' days, bedframe were made of steel. I still have the scar but it's not obvious. *phew*

even years old, i had a fairy-tale crush with my malay teacher. Everyday, during our morning assembly, i followed his every movement including 'saying prayer'
(baca doa). I didn't know what it means at that time, i just followed him by placing both my palm on top each others and put my hands infront at my chest level. I only realized that it was for the muslims to have their 'silent praying' every morning. How silly of me!! Luckily no one noticed that. *blush*

ight years old, i took an icy cold bath at Cameron Highlands
(click here for details on Cameron Highlands) and ended up shivering for hours after it. I didn't know that there was a "hot water" tap. :P
(My uncle just reminded me of this incident last month while we had dinner together. yes, at least i brought some laugther). 
en years old, I had the most wonderful birthday party at my home. My BEST FRIENDS: Chow Pui See and Ho Lee Jane were there. My classmates, friends, relatives and neighbours were there. The food were dvine, thanks to my Kam Mo
(aunt). She is a Good Cook/ Baker! :)

welve years old, i bumped into a flasher. I was walking to a nearby covenient store at my school neighbourhood.
That guy was in his early 20s', wearing a T-shirt and a shorts. At first he pretended to asked for direction, then he asked me to grab his thingy while he left his thingy exposed and dangling. He said if i did not do it, he'll hurt me. I got scared. I stood there crying and begged him to leave me alone. Blessedly, after 5 minutes of crying, he ranaway without hurting me.
Being an innocent small girl, i have never seen it before. And it seemed like a mini elephant trunk to me that time. I got nightmares after that. It took me about 2 weeks to recover.

hirteen years old, i've came to know about Jesus Christ. After experiencing His Love for me, i embraced and welcomed Him into my heart. I was a hot tempered girl back then but Bible says, "anger will only lead to sins." And I was slowly transformed into a better girl with more patiences.

ineteen years old, that's when i met my darling and started our beautiful relationship. :))
(I'll keep the details to myself, ya! *wink*)
wenty-one years old, I had the most wonderful birthday dinner with my families at Sakura, One Utama. We had a great time chatting and laughing away. It's so good to be with your love ones. :))

wenty-four years old, it was the first time I became 'Ah Yi'
(aunt to my niece). My heart was flowed with joy, welcoming a little angel into our family: My Sweetheart Chloe. She was only 11-Days Old in this photo. :) Yet she already knows how to smile for camera. ^^

wenty-four years old, i went to
Genting Highlands with 3 of my best girlfriends. It was my first ALL girls trip. After our dinner, we stayed in the room and played till wee hours. We have booze and cards game, and 'Truth or Dare'. Well, it was more on 'Truth'. Dark secrets were dugged out and it was sort of embarassing! But I am glad we get to know each others better. At the end, all of us were drunk. :P
ok, now, i would like to hear your stories.
JoyceEast Coast LifeJesse Blogs It AllTheSkySoBlahFeel HappyIt's All About Me, Me, MePlease leave me a comment when you've done this, i will check it out! Thanks! :)

Disclaimer: The avatars/ graphics above were taken from Glitter-Graphics.com. Does not belong to me.
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