

Thab Thim Krob

This is a famous Thai dessert, also known as Red Rubbies or Pomegranate Rubies. I always order this everytime i'm at thai restaurant. :)

35 pcs water chesnuts
1/4 tsp rose essence
1 tsp red food colouring
1 packet of santan
6 pandan leaves
1 cup tapioca flour
2 tbsp corn flour
2 cups castor sugar
1 cup coarse sugar
dash of salt
Honey Nangka

J E A N   C H I A © 2007 J E A N   C H I A © 2007 J E A N   C H I A © 2007

1. Prepare water chestnuts in small cubes.
2. Add in the rose essence & red colouring and mix well.
3. In a plate, pour in tapioca flour & corn flour.

J E A N   C H I A © 2007 J E A N   C H I A © 2007 J E A N   C H I A © 2007

4. Pour the cloured water chestnuts in flour mixture and coat them evenly.
5. Shake coated water chestnuts through colander to remove excess flour. (Too much of flour will make the ruby gooey.)
6. In a pot of water, put in the coarse sugar and 2 pandan leaves. Bring to boil. Add in the water chestnuts and let it boil till they float up. Use a pair of chopsticks to stir to separate the watre chestnusts whilst cooking.

J E A N   C H I A © 2007 J E A N   C H I A © 2007 J E A N   C H I A © 2007

7. Scoop out the water chestnuts and chill in ice-cold water.
8. To make the syrup, bring castor sugar, 1 cup water and 2 pandan leaves to boil. Let it cool before pouring into a container to refrigerate till ready to serve.
9. In a container with 1 cup water, pour in approx. 10 tbsp of syrup and drain out the water chestnuts into container. Refrigerate till ready to serve.

[wihtout pic]
10. In a saucepan, pour in the coconut milk and 1 cup water and cook over gentle heat until just hot. Add in a dash of salt. (DO NOT BRING TO BOIL!) Let it cool before ready to serve.

J E A N   C H I A © 2007

11. Place everything inorder on a table. In a small bowl, scoop a spoonful of all ingredients, except for coconut milk which you will need about half of the small bowl. Lastly, put in the crushed ices. (It will be more ideal if you have an ice shaver.)

I've forgotten to take the pic of the final product because was busy serving the desserts. :P

Sound easy right! Try making this yourself and remember to take a pic for me, ya! :)

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