

Thoughtful Blogger Award

Marzie have awarded me the Thoughtful Blogger Award. It's always an awesome feeling to be awarded and appreciated. Thank you, Marzie for this award! I really appreciated it. :)

This award together with 4 other similar awards were created by Christy to award bloggers the recognition they deserve.

****Award Rules*****

- Pass the award on to five other people, you can choose any of the awards from the series, you do not have to pass out the exact award you received. Choose whichever of the awards below that you'd like to give out. You can give out one of each or five of the same one, whatever you prefer. (more details on the awards)

It's an honour to be given this opportunity to present the following awards to the below bloggers for what describe them better.

"The Inspirational Blogger Award
For those bloggers who inspire others through their words and actions. With a positive attitude, and an uplifting spirit these bloggers make the blogosphere a better place, and encourage others to do the same. This award is for bloggers who rise up to set an example but continue to reach out and support others. " - Writer's Reviews Blogger Awards.

Bobby at Revellian

"The Thoughtful Blogger Award
For those who answer blog comments, emails, and make their visitors feel at home on their blogs. For the people who take others feelings into consideration before speaking out and who are kind and courteous. Also for all of those bloggers who spend so much of their time helping others bloggers design, improve, and fix their sites. This award is for those generous bloggers who think of others. " - Writer's Reviews Blogger Awards

Nicole at It's All About Me, Me, Me
Nick at Anything Goes
Adrian at First Time Dad

The Creative Blogger Award
For those who bring unique and creative elements to their blogs. For those who incorporate art, music, creative writing, photo's, and other beautiful visual effects into their website. For those who put a unique spin on things and come up with new ideas. This award is for the artsy, the funky, the inventor, and even the rebel. This award is for those creative individuals who stand out from the crowd. " - Writer's Reviews Blogger Awards

Jerry at 38kia & His Blog

Congratulations, guys! I know I have made the right picks. :)

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