This is Ariel, my first small breed dog. She's a Silky Terrier. I've named her after my favourite disney character: Ariel, the little mermaid. :) She's 5 years old. She's quite fussy about the food she eats but there is this particular brand that she wouldn't resist: JerHigh - all kind of snacks.

Okay, and this is Brownie. I've named her after my favourite dessert: Brownies. :) (Do you think it's lame?) When I first saw her at a breeder's place in Cheras, I've fallen in love with her at the very first sight. She owns the world most sympathetic look that you couldn't resist. It was as tho' she's pleading to you,"Please take me home!" So, I bought her and brought her home right away. She's 11 months old now. An American Cocker Spaniel, she is. This girl love to eat. You can just feed her any food, she'll finish it within a minute. :)
Aren't they adorable? :) There are more pictures in their photo album: Ariel & Brownie. Enjoy! :)
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