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BT Broadband - Broadband Supplier
I was talking to my darling about internet & IT stuff. He told me that using broadband is alot faster & better than the dial-up. "What is broadband?" I asked him. "Broadband is a high speed internet, always connected internet connection,"he explained. I looked at him with "still a question mark" on my forehead. "How much faster can it be?" I asked him like a curious 3 years old kid."erm.. faster lar! aiyah, in short, it's the next generation of internet access technology!" He answered and continued playing his game.
Still perplexed, i did my own research. I stumbled upon this website belongs to BT Group. BT Group is a leading provider of communications solutions serving customers throughout the world. One of the service they offer is the BT Total Broadband - broadband supplier. Well, broadband is as explained by my darling is a high speed internet connection. It offer different packages to suit our usage. With broadband, we can hv fast connection upto 8Mb speed3 - ideal for downloading movie, songs or large file.

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