

Help Find Hellena!

I was doing my usual round of checking out my greenies blogs this morning, when i saw this post about Hellena A. Hairy at Shemah's. (Shemah, i gotta copied your whole post. Don't have time to compose one! You don't mind, hor? :P )
***start quote***

This is a plea from the family of Helena A. Hairy, for the public to spread the word regarding her disappearance.. It's been 1 year since she went missing and the family is hoping that with the help of the public, she may return home soon..

Here is the post that I have copied from her brother, Bobby. The original post written on 10th June 2008 can be found here.

"This is not jokes or what so ever...Now, I need all my friend's help to spread this article from New Sabah Times ( she is my youngest sister and till now we didn't heard any news or story from her...

She is
17 years old this year and her height is almost 5 feets...It's nearly 1 year already since her missing. My youngest sister name is Hellena A. Hairy. Here I would like to seek help from the other bloggers to spread this article...I really need your help now..Me and our family just concerned about her safety..

Last but not least, again I really hope that all of you can copy and re- post this article in your blog..~~May god bless all of you~~".

So, peepz, you know the drill.. Let's spread the news.. tell everyone you know.. and pray that Hellena will return to her family safely. doa

***end quote***

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