

Thai Tomyam - Improvised!

This is my second attempt in making this dish. My first attempt wasn't a failure, it's just not the 100% Thai Tomyam. Tho' we have alot of Thai restaurants over here, but they don't usually taste quite like the Thai Tomyam you get from Bangkok. So, here's the closest taste alike & lookalike Thai Tomyam you can get at home. (I got an approval from my darling. He said "This is it! The Tomyam gung! Good job!" hehe:))

Ingredients (to make the soup base):
5 litres water
1 chicken
5 stalks lemon grass (cut into 5cm and bruised)
3 red onions (chopped into 4 parts)

2 cubes chicken stock
1 small bottle tomyam paste
1/2 cup fish sauce
3 red onions (chopped finely)
10cm galangal (sliced)
15 stalks lemon grass (chopped/sliced finely)
20 chili padi (halved)
20 kaffir leaves (cut into tiny strips)
4 tomatoes
2 stalks parsley (cut the leaves, chopped the stalk)
2 cans straw mushroom (halved)
Prawns (shelled with the tail intact)
1/2 cup coconut milk

1. In a bowl, mix the cili padi & fish sauce together. Leave it aside until to be used.

2. Bring water to boiled, add in the chicken and other ingredients to make the soup base. Let it boil for approx. 1 hour.

3. In another pot, saute onions and galangal until fragrant. Add in the soup base.

4. Bring the soup to boiled, add in the chopped lemon grass, tomyam paste and chicken stock cube. Let it boil for approx. 20mins until medium heat.

5. Add in tomatoes, straw mushrooms, kaffir leaves & the fish sauce that we've prepared earlier.
6. Boil for about 25 mins under medium heat, then add in the coconut milk.

7. Let it boil for another 3-5 mins, add in salt to taste and your tomyam soup is ready to be served.

8. Before serving, cut 1-2 kaffir leaves into thin strips and let it sit under the soup. Garnish with parsley on top. Freshly cut kaffir leaves will release a refreshing fragrance while the fresh parsley will give the soup an additional smell.

9. You can pre-cook the prawns & squids with the tomyam soup in another small pot. Drain the ingredients from the soup and leave it in a bowl. Before serving, just put some prawns & squids in the soup. This is to ensure that the prawns & squids are not over-cooked while you reheat or boil the soup.

Enjoy your Thai Tomyam! :)

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