

Finally The New AGP!

Yay!! Finally, AGP has successfully gone through another makeover!! This time, it was the most complicated makeover I've ever done.

Remember the problem i encountered during the first phrase of AGP makeover? That was not the only problem. There was always an "Error on Page" remarks on my status bar. I've redid everything in my test blog using a basic Blogger Template no.897. Lastly, when everything seems fine at my test blog, I copied back all my widgets html from AGP into my test blog & paste the whole html back to AGP. When I load AGP again, there was an "Error on Page" message. Then I fixed some scripts here & there. Tho' the message did vanished, but it came back again after i reload AGP for maybe the 3rd time after fixing it. Since this is a "Come & Go" problem, I decided not to go into the root again. After all, i just realized that most my friends' blogs also have this "Error on Page" message, as well as those blogs that offer tutorials to help build a better blog.

Here's AGP Before and After Makeover:
click on the thumbnail for enlarged pic

Before Makeover

After Makeover

Notes: If you're lucky, you will be able to view my calendar icon like shown in the right screenshot. Other days, you will just view as shown in the left screenshot.

Changes I've made:
1) Changed my header.
2) Install a navigation bar on my header. (Credit: Tricks for New Blogger)
3) Add graphic to my post title. (Credit: Doug Cloud/ Graphic taken from Glitter-Graphics)
4) Using a calendar icon as the post date header. (Credit: BlogU)
5) Remove most of my widgets at sidebar for faster loading.
6) Added a dizzy love to my signature.
7) Added an adorable RSS dollie. (Credit: Emila Yusof. If you want an adorable RSS dollie like mine, you can hire her to make one for you, at 500ec or USD2, whichever you prefer).
8) +/- (Expand/ Collapse) Labels (Credit: BlogU)
9) Added a "Related Post" section beneath article. (Credit: Real Trix)
10) Hide my nav bar. (Credit: Testing Blogger Beta) [Done - 13 Sept]
11) Numbering comments. (Credit: Randomness)
12) Peek-a-boo post. (Credit: Hackosphere)[Date - 23 Sept]

Changes I still need to make:
1) Drop down menu for Blog Archive. [Done]
2) Navigation numberings. (Credit: Blogger Buster) [Done - 12 Sept]
3) Align my RSS dollie with the subscribe button.
4) Add a Recent Posts & comments widget. (Credit: Tricks and Tips Tutorial)

Before I end this post, I would like to say thank you to all my friends for giving me encouragements during my makeover. They are Marzie, LJ, Emila, Janice, Vhiel, Shemah, Bobby, Maicel, Famous Boy and Vidst. Thank you, peeps! Love & Hugs!!:)

Happy Friday, all!

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