And I would like to share this with my March 2009 Top Droppers: Duniasoer, Photojournalist, Bochiel Zone, walkingnewspaper, Health News, Gossip Galore, eastcoastlife, Wiggys World, My Piece of Paradise, Sweet Nothings, Spiff, The Spaceman, Twinkletoe Writing Space, Life According To Me, Dunia soer, Not Your Average SuperGoddess, In My Kitchen, TastyThoughts, Hot Shit Form Here, Legal Cat-asthrope, Hot Celebs, Just Press Play
Hope you guys will enjoy this meme!
*Start Copy Here*
You do not have to be tagged to play along. The game is simple and so are the rules.
1. Copy from *Start Copy Here* through *End Copy Here*
2. Add your site(s) to the list. Just be sure to post at each site you add.
3. Tag as many bloggers as you like so the list keeps on growing.
4. Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list.
5. Come back and copy the master list back to your site, often. This process will allow late-comers to get as much link benefit as the first ones in.
1. Emila Yusof 2. The Other Side of Emila 3. Mariuca 4. Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery 5. Meow Diaries 6. Unlisted One 7. Spiff, the Spaceman 8. My Sweet Escape 9. Nota Nurul 10. Life’s Tapestry 11. Spontaneous Insignificancy 12. LadyJava 13. Miss Igorota 14. AnnyBoo 15. Yoon See 16. Jia’s Life 17. Nessa’s Mumblings 18. Also Mommy 19. The Walk of Life 20.Pretty Firefly 21. Untouchable EARTH 22. Baterya 23. Comedy Plus 24. Bain Cardin 25. Strawberry Milkshake 26. Turn-U-Off 27. Jom Heboh Di Sini 28. Notes by Marvic 29. Memoir Mez 30.Origena 31.Walking Newspaper 32. Nurul Aqilah 33. Bluedreamer 34. Breaking the Boundaries 35.A Great Pleasure 36. Time Goes By 37. Life According To Me 38. In My Kitchen 39. Empty Streets 1027 40. Kancing itu Butang 41. Fyzal’s Territory 40. Wiggy’s World 42. A Simple Life 43. Little Bits of Info 44. Ode to Adrienne 45. KMP 46. Mommy’s Little Corner 47. Wondermom 48. Tom’s Place 4 Well Whatever 49. A Taxi Ride 50. Crafty Heart 51. Phat Wallet 52. AtheAthirahTaha 53. Phat Woman 54. Off The Top Of My Head 55. Simple Happy Life 56. Moore Blog Life 57. Twisted Sister 58. Fickleminded 59. Sweet Nothings 60. Fida Abbot 61.Business Matters 62.5577 Studio 63. Embrace Life 64.KuE 65. Mom’s Special Diary 66. Her and History 67. Survivor: The Reality of My Life 68. Anything under the Sun 69. My Careless Whispers 70. Basic Bloganomics 71. Speedcat Hollydale 72.Housewife@Work 73. Unsolved Mysteries in the World 74. Pensive Thoughts 75.My Wedding Day 76. Blogscope 77. BloggersBase 78. Single Life of Me 79. You’re next!
First THREE Commentators

Congratulations, Kelvin, TH and Monica! and thank you all for all your comments love!!! :)