

Proud Member of PayPerPost

In my 5 months of blogging, I have seen PPP badges almost everywhere in blogosphere. Lately, it seems like more & more people are joining it.

"What is PPP?" you may ask. Don't be shy! Last time, I am like you too. Like a curious child trying to open a black box, I typed "" in the url box and clicked enter. I read the content carefully and the first thing that caught my attention is "Get paid for blogging". "This is great", I thought. And what i found next is going to be of interest to everyone. PPP is in short for PayPerPost. PayPerPost is a new self-service marketplace for bloggers to get paid to blog about things that they love and for advertisers to get their product, service or website reviewed and drive traffic to your website.

Without wasting any more time, i registered myself as a blogger. And now I am a proud member of PayPerPost. :D There is no quota that I need to fulfill. I can choose from the "Open Opportunities" for product, service or website to blog about. Payment wise, i will get paid via Paypal. It's easy!

I can't wait to get the $$$ from PPP. I am planning to shop online using my Paypal account. Honestly, I've never shop online, and this could be a great experience for me.

Are you a member of PayPerPost yet? If not, just fill in the below form.

Let's make money blogging together!! :)

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