This recipe was passed down to me by my aunt (Kam Mo). She's a great cook and I've always been a no.1 fan of her culinary. She's pretty, talented (used to be an illustrator before marriage), cook and bake very well.
This chendol pudding is M's favourite dessert from me. I've made this on his birthday as a replacement for his birthday cake.
Top Layer 3 tsp agar-agar powder 420ml thin coconut milk 30g sugar 150g palm sugar/ gula melaka 2pcs pandan leaves 220ml thick coconut milk 1/2 tsp salt
Bottom Layer 1. Add all the ingredients (except thick coconut & salt) in a pot, combine well. Boil it until sugar dissolved, stirring constantly.
2. When mixture is boiled, add in the thick coconut milk and salt.
3. Continue to stir until mixture started to form bubbles at the side. Off the flame, add in chendol strips.
Important Note: Do not over-boiled the mixture. It must be taken off flame second before it reach the boiling point. If you're not careful and over-boiled the mixture, it will form a thin layer of 'skin' on the surface.
4. Pour mixture into an 8" square tin. Let the mixture slightly set on the surface before pouring in the top layer.
Top Layer 5. Repeat the same with the top layer.
Tips: Scar the surface of the bottom layer with a fork or knife before pouring in the top layer. This is ensure that both layers will stick together.
First Commenter Congratulations, marzie! and thank you for all your comments love!!! :)
It has been a while since I last update you guys on my favourite nieces, the Sister Sister. They both has grown up to be so intelligent and adorable, I would say. The elder one, Chloe, is 3 years & 2 months old while Chairmaine or familiarly known as Mei Mei is 1 year & 3 months old.
Chairmaine 1st Birthday at McD's: [From left to right] My Aunt (Kam Mo), Me, Charmaine, My cousins: Mei Chin, Mei Yen and Mei Yu.
Chloe & me on her 3rd birthday party.
Chloe & M: Best Buddies.
Chloe Hugging M. (Marzie, Shem, this is the BB pic i've mentioned. So cute & sweet, kan!)
This was the face she showed me when I have asked for a smile.
This is one of the few 'Clear' photo of Chairmaine. She doesn't like to sit still or pose for camera.
Aren't they super adorable? Perhaps I can submit their photos in the 2009 Cute Kid of The Year Cutest Baby Picture Competition. If I win, I can get $25,000. Imagine all the toys I could buy with it. Haha.. What do you guys think? Am I too early to be dreaming?
First THREE Commentators Congratulations Marzie, LJ and Shemah! *HUGZ*
Have you guys heard of the cartoon Jem? Also known as Jem and the Holograms, Jem is an American animated series that ran from 1985 to 1988 in U.S. first-run syndication. If I've not mistaken, I started watching Jem when I was 7 years old.
The show is about a music company owner Jerrica Benton, her singer alter-ego, Jem, her band the Holograms, and their adventures. The central "secret" of the series is that Jem is in fact the alter ego of Jerrica Benton, owner/manager of Starlight Music, who adopts this persona with the help of Synergy, a holographic computer designed to be the ultimate visual entertainment synthesizer built by her father, who left it to her on his death.
I'm so thrilled to have found Jem's first episode on youtube. I thought no one remember Jem anymore. Watching these videos brings back all my childhood memories. Now, I feel like 7 again!
First THREE Commentators Congratulations, Rozie, Shem & Ane! and thank you for all your comments love!!! :)
Yup, that's right! This is the biggest mango i've ever seen. That's a 50cent i've used as a comparison. I saw this in the market the other day and couldn't resist buying it even tho' it's quite expensive (@ RM12/kg). The seller told me that this mango is from Taiwan. Weighing at about 1.2kg, this mango is 25cm in length and has the slimmest seed, as shown in the photo [Right]. Some peoples call this paper seed. A mango like this is enough for a family of six. If you're asking me if I would buy this mango again, I would honestly tell you no. It does not have a distinctive smell of mangoes like the Indian mangoes but it has alot of 'meat'. Unless you're looking for 'meaty' mangoes that has no mango smell, you can skip this.
First Commentator Congratulations, marzie! and thank you for all your comments love!!! :)
This is the picture of my first homemade biscotti. I've used almond flakes in this recipe. Biscotti is Italian for 'biscuit' or 'cookies'. 'Bis' means twice and 'cotti' means baked. Biscotti refers to any cookies or biscuits which are baked twice. And since biscotti are crisp and crunchy, it can easily stand up to a dunking in our coffee or wine.
The biscotti that i've made is a traditional biscotti, as it does not contain butter or oil, and uses eggs to bind the ingredients together.
Ingredients: 90g soft flour/ cake flour 3 egg whites 80g castor sugar 90g chopped nuts of your choice
1. Preheat oven to 140ºC. Whisk egg whites and sugar until it forms stiff peaks. Fold in flour and nuts and pour batter into a lined 8" loaf tin. Bake for 55mins.
2. Remove from the tin to cool. Slice according to desired thickness and return to the oven to bake until crispy, about 20mins.
Tips: The thickness of your biscotti controls the texture of it. The thinner it is, the crispier it will be.
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First Commentator Congratulations, Rizal! and thank you all for all your comments love!!! :)
Hey, coffee lovers! Do you know that there is a new coffee in town? Well, It's not exactly new because we all know that Super has been in the market for quite some time. But recently, Super has come out with this ready-to-drink can packaging. Having to drink Super coffee before, I boldly grab a can from nearby convenient store. To my disappointment, the can Super coffee doesn't taste as good as the 3-in-1 packet. In my opinion, it is abit too flat and too sweet. I guessed my Nescafe Iced Latte is still the best among all the can coffee drinks!
I love coffee! If i could get a nice cup of hot cappuccino every morning, i would be in heaven. I've only started to adore cappuccino during my visit to Bangkok 2 years back. There, I had a nice hot cappuccino every morning. It was absolutely amazing!
M has promised me to buy us a coffee machine. And I've just found out the right place to get it. It is at Coffee For Less. Convenient and Reliable, that's the two words that popped up in my mind when i came across this site. Excitedly, I browsed straight for my coffee machine even tho' there were lots of other products available. Within minutes, I think I've found the perfect one.
It has a Pannarello Wand which is the easiest way to froth for cappuccino and steam your milk for latte; a hot water dispenser for hot chocolate, tea or Americanos and it has a scratch resistant black anodized steel for its housing. So cool, right? Oh, and the best of all is that Coffee For Less is giving out Free Shipping On Orders Over $50.
I better tell M about this now before they change their minds! See ya guys!