I am so excited with Christmas just a week more. I've been busy buying gifts for my families & friends these past two weekends. It was tiring but it's worthwhile because I know they will be very happy to receive my gifts. I love to see all those smiling faces. Their smiles make my heart rejoice! :)
As I am eagerly waiting for Christmas, I thought it would be fun to see whether I've been naughty or nice this year by taking this
naughty or nice quiz. Well, although I knew I'll be categorized as Nice but it's good to have an acknowledgment from someone. ;)
'Tis the season of Christmas and all through the 'hood, Little boys and girls wonder, "Oh crap, was I good?" Were you naughty or nice, wanna learn which it is? Then enough with your questions -- just take this fun quiz. Oh, never you fear, there's a naughty quiz here, To test if you're nice, and to fill you with cheer. Find out with this quiz, did your deeds suffice? What will Santa write down, are you NAUGHTY or NICE?
Take the Naughty or Nice Quiz at QuizRocket.com!
Make Your Own Quiz
aha! so, here's my 'certificate'! :) How about you? Are you naughty or nice?
*This is a Paid Post.
With Christmas around the corner, i am delighted to announce that i've got my first christmas pressie from Bro Bokjae. It's a Best Friends Award and I heart it! It's truly a blessing to know Bro Bokjae and his lovely wife, Sis Rock. His wise wisdom are infinite. Here is what he has quoted in his post:
"Do you know the relationship between your 2 eyes? They blink together, move together, cry together, see things together and sleep together. Even though they never see each other, friendship should be just like that!"

Your Love is Ur Heart,
Your heart is Ur Spouse,
Your spouse is Ur Future,
Your future is Ur Destiny,
Your destiny is Ur Ambition,
Your ambition is Ur Aspiration,
Your aspiration is Ur Motivation,
Your motivation is Ur Belief,
Your belief is Ur Peace,
Your peace is Ur Target,
Your target is Heaven,
Heaven is no fun without FRIENDS.And in conjunction with
Bobby's Friendship Writing Project, I would like to take this opportunity to tell all my blogger friends just how much I love them!

Here's to all my wonderful~licious friends, this award belongs to you! :)
FL Sam,
Ratu Syura,
Melissa, Sollee,
Min Min,
Mr. Zubli,
Jo Choo,
Constructicle Boy,
Lee Chien,
Josephine, and last but not least
Bro Bokjae! ;)
Disclaimer: The above animated graphic was taken from Glitter-Graphics.com
Random Similar Post:
Few months ago, a thief broke into my neighbor's house. The thief was very brave considering that he has the guts to climb onto the roof and went into the house through the roof in DAY TIME. Surprisingly, nobody saw him climbing up the roof even though the sun was shining bright. My neighbor was working at that time, so nobody was at home which is a bonus to the thief. The thief must have done his survey, i guessed!
It was my right side next door neighbor. My mom whom was at home at that time, heard some noises on the roof. You see, our roofs are all connected. So, once you are inside the roof, you can easily go to the next house. It's all just wooden pillars separating each houses. My mom was scared because the noises was becoming more obvious. Her instinct told her to go to our left side next door neighbor for help.
At that time, the thief has already entered the house, taking his own sweet time to choose his "awards". My neighbor whom my mom went to seek help from was an auntie. She called the police. The thief was still unaware that his presence was noticed. He was still inside the house when the polices arrived 10 minutes after the phone call.
What happened after that was exactly like in a movie. According to my mom, the police asked him to surrender himself. If not, they will force inside the house. There were polices in front and at the back of the house. The thief tried to escape from the back, he ran for few meters before police managed to catch him. Good job to our police officers! Thank God that this ended in a good way. :)
When my mom told me this, i was shocked. I thanked God that nothing bad happen to my mom. Actually, this is not the first broken-in i've heard in my neighborhood. There were three cases which has happened to my friends. It's kind of scary when you imagine what if it was your house.
How to prevent our house from broken-in other than installing alarms? (oh, by the way, my neighbor installed alarm too but it's useless. Thief can still go inside your house through the roof.) One way i could think of is to install video security systems. This way, you can monitor and view any movement from outside and inside your house.
Don't be taken aback! I am not referring to those big budget security systems. I am talking about those DIY security cameras. Just place few cameras in strategic places at your home and voila, you can guard your home at a glance.

*This is a Paid Post.
F for FL Sam tagged me on this interesting meme. It looks easy but don't be deceived by its simplicity. I've to actually brainstormed for quite sometime to do this.
Here’s how it works:
Use the first letter of your name to answer each question. Must be places, names…Nothing made up. Can’t use own name for boy/girl’s name question. If can’t answer, skip to next one.
1. Famous Singer: Janet Jackson
2. Four Letter Word: JAZZ
3. Street: Jalan Damansara
4. Colour: Jade Green
5. Gifts/Present: Jingle Bells
6. Vehicle: Jaguar
7. Things in Souvenir Shop: Jigsaw Puzzle in Box
8. Boy Name: James
9. Girl Name: Jenny
10. Movie title: Juno
11. Drink: Jamaican chocolate
12. Occupation: Jungle Trekker
13. Celebrity: Justin Timberlake
14. Magazine: Just Desserts
15. U.S. City: - (how about C for California)
16. Pro Sports: Jumping (Triple, High Jumps)
17. Fruit: Jackfruit
18. Reason for Being Late to work: Jam (Traffics Jam)
19. Something you throw away: Joss Sticks
20. Something you shout: Jom!
And now, let's hear from the rest of the alphabets:
A for Adrian,
B for Bobo,
C for Christy,
D for Daniel,
E for Emmyrose,
F for FL Sam (done),
G for GenieBuddy,
H for HaO HaO,
I for Isabella (Marzie's Niece),
J for Jean Chia (done)
K for Karen,
L for LadyJava,
M for Marzie,
O for -
P for Pia,
Q for Qumang,
R for Revellian,
S for Spiff,
T for Trinity,
U for -
V for -
W for Winston,
X for -
Y for Yuan (Logic Yuan),
Z for Zac (Janice's elder son).
Have fun, guys! :)

Random Similar Post:
When I was in Bangkok, I stayed in a 3-star hotel in Bangna. It has 20 floors and a moderate lobby with a big plasma TV. All their staffs were professional and understand English quite well, which has help me to feel more comfortable despite the different culture. The moment i stepped into my room, i thought, "Wow, this is great! Neat & clean room!" It has refrigerator, wardrobe, safe box, TV, hair dryer, queen bed, one-seater sofa, side coffee table and etc.. It's really not bad for 1200 bath a night. Great Deal!
Everything went on smoothly until the next morning when I noticed small red dots on my legs. It's not just red dots, it started to itch. I realized it was because of the bed bugs. I checked the bedsheet but it's all clean. Indeed it smells good too. How i wish i have a bed bug spray with me then! I was scratching my legs the whole night for the remaining days. At the end of the trip, i ended up with scarred legs and sleepless nights.
Blessedly the bed bugs did not crawl into my luggage and infest my bedroom. Or else I will have to steam clean my room to get rid of it.

*This is a Paid Post.

Hello Everyone! I am back!! Missed you guys so much!! I am gonna take my time to visit you guys and check your latest updates. So, make sure you welcome me with a hot cup of cappucino, ya! ;)
For those who do not know, i went to Bangkok for business cum little vakasi on 23-30 Nov. In between, i got 2 free days for myself. Went shopping, mostly at supermarket checking out their foods, and went to tourist attractions. It was stressful, fun & tiring trip. I've taken alot of photos, and will upload it in my facebook album. In the meantime, please enjoy the photo above which i've taken while i was on the plane to Bangkok. :)
Kap kun kha! (thank you) ^^
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