Karen, a good friend that i've met recently from Life's Prisms, also author of the famous Journey with Water Learner have tagged me on One Word Meme. Many have failed to use one word (like Nick...hehe), but I am gonna stand firm on this. Hopefully I'll be able to do it. *crossing fingers*
Where is your cell phone? Desk
Relationship? Dating
Your hair? Long
Work? Stressful
Your sister? 1
Your favorite thing? Eating
Your dream last night? None
Your favorite drink? Coffee
Your dream car? Skyline
The room you’re in? Bedroom
Your shoes? Many
Your fears? Delay
What do you want to be in 10 years? Happy
Who did you hang out with this weekend? Family
What are you not good at? Swimming
One of your wish list items? Debts-free (Hey, this is still one word, rite?)
Where you grew up? Malaysia
Last thing you did? Cook
What are you wearing? Pyjamas
What aren’t you wearing? Shoe
Your pet? Two
Your computer? Dell
Your life? Busy
Your mood? Sleepy
What are you thinking about right now? Sleeping
Your car? Outside
Your kitchen? Moderate
Your summer? Saturdays
Your favorite color? Pink
Last time you laughed? Noon
Last time you cried? Yesterday
School? Memories
Love? Magical
And YES!!! I've managed to do it with Only One Word! :)
But now I am squeezing the juice from my brain for peoples to tag. Most of you have already done this. Hmmm.... who should I tag? ok, here they are, if you peeps have already done this, please give me a link to that post.
Remember, guys, Only One Word! Have loads of fun! :)
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Only One Word, That's It!
Candy Dollies & Other Cuties
I've found another excitement in life. And it's call Doll Maker! Haha! Yep, this is another post too cute for the boys. :) I was ecstatic when I found these doll makers. There are aplenty of choices to choose from. And I loved getting my hands on all these. So instead of simply just making these dollies, i've make them in resemblances of my friends. Hope you guys don't mind! :)
These are Candy Dollies: Marzie & B, Emila & Hubbs and Janice & Hubby.
And this is LV Fashion Dollies: Sh'n & Me ^^
These cuties are Mini SayClub Dollies: Karen, Bobo and 38kia/ Jerry.
And these are Angel Dollies: for Bobby.
Meanwhile, these pretties are Korean Dollies: Nick & Adrian, Jamilla, Barrett and NafaSG Team.
Wowow!! I gotta stop here. This is getting too much of my time. I need to get my butt moving onto another tag. I've been talking & sitting on it for quite some time already. Sorry to those who tagged me, please bear with me, ya! I'll get it out soon. Maybe I shall do a tag marathon like Nick and Marzie. :P
Oh, for all Malaysians, wishing you guys "Happy Merdeka!" and enjoy your 3-Days holidays! Malaysia Boleh!!
For others, here's for you: "haha..u guys need to work today? Too bad! I am enjoying myself at home now, sipping my hot cup of coffee..hhmmm.. LOL!" *just teasing,ya!* ;)
See you guys! Hope you had much fun enjoying these dollies!
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Stock Clearance Sales!
Happy Birthday, Marzie!
Hey, it's marzie's birthday! Ya, i know most of you already knew and had wished her "Happy Birthday". I can't believe I am such a forgetful old nanny! I planned to give her a birthday card days before but due to some reason, I've forgotten about it until moment ago, when I visited marzie and saw her pressies.
Well, I am glad it's still not late for me to dedicate this post to my great blog friend: Marzie. :)
"Happy Birthday to you!
Haapy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to Marzie,
Happy Birthday to you!"
Now, make a wish and blow your candles! :)
*applause* yay! marzie is a year more woman-like! hehe! :)
Happy Birthday, Marzie! Hope you'll have a wonderful little dinner with your loved ones! *muaaks* HUGS to you. :)
Disclaimer: The above avatars/ graphics were taken from Glitters-Graphic.com. Does not belong to me.
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CouponChief is Here!
Jingle all the way,
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh, O..."
Do you hear the bells jingling? With Christmas just few months away, you can't blame me for getting into the mood first. Boy, I love Christmas! I love giving pressies (pressies mean present; a word modified by marzie.) [Woman, borrow your word, ya!], and seeing all the happy faces. Ahh..such a lovely sight! :)
All these while, I've been doing last minutes christmas shopping and it was exhausting. Year after years, i reminded myself to shop earlier, but fail to do so everytime due to my hectic work schedule.
This year, I vowed to be different and I've found the perfect solution. With CouponChief.com, a one stop coupon deal and discount resource, i can do online shopping at the comfy space of my home. CouponChief.com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Coupon Chief, Inc.
Here's my chritmas list for my loved ones. [Shh.. Don't let them know, k! ;)]
- Mom & Sister : Clothings from Jessica London deals~ Free JG-Hook bag with any purchase + 40% Off on 4th Item ~ Offer Expires Sun, Sep 30th.
- Brothers & Bro-in-law : Sport Shoes from Sports Authority deals ~ Save on Heely’s Footwear + Free Shipping with $5 off Purchase ~ Offer Expiration unknown.
- Sweetheart Chloe : Clothing from Rocawear deals ~ Free Shipping on orders over $125 ~ Offer Expires Mon, Sep 3rd.
- Darling : i can't list it down here, he'll see this. :P
- Ariel & Brownie : Cribs/Beds from PETCO.com deals ~ Free Shipping on orders of $50 or more ~ Offer Expires Fri, Sep 14th.
Yippee!! I am half way down my christmas shopping! This is easy & fun! Want to join me? :)
Praying for Yah & Wan
As I was about to turn in early today, I received a message from Trinity at MBL. Her request was simple: Pray for her friends: Yah & Wan. I quickly clicked on the link and read her story. It was sad to hear about what had befell onto her friends, Yah & Wan. And yes, of course I'll pray for them. To help spreading these stories around, she has come out with this banner.
"Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." ~ Matthew 18:19-20
Let's pray for them together!
Updates on Yah & Wan:
30 August 2007
2 October 2007
10 December 2007
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My Sweetheart Chloe
Being the first child, first grandchild and first niece, this little girl entitled all the loves and privileges we could offer. Funny how this little girl could make my stresses/ worries disappear just by watching her laugh! :)
Don't believe me? I'll show you. Here are some random pics of her recently.

Still not convinced? I have more. These are the pics I took of her last week. She was sitting on the sofa and I asked her to laugh for camera. For your info, she knows how to smile for camera (if she wanted her cute face to be taken). She gave me all kinds of laugh.

Now, you know what I meant? :) If you wanted to see more pics of her when she was an infant, click here.
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Dress Up Game
Have you ever played paperdoll during your childhood? I have! And it was my favourie past time. I remembered, I was always nagging my parents to buy for me at the convenient store down the lane. And when they really had bought for me, I was delightful and enjoyed dressing up the paperdoll all by myself. My sister was 5 years older than me, so we don't share the same toy.
And when I was at Bobo's place the other day, I saw that she has registered herself in a new Barbie-like game called Miss Bimbo. So, I registered myself too. I was excited but because the game loaded very slow, I only played once so far.
Then yesterday, I saw Bobo have found new thingy. It was the dress up game. I was intensely enthusiastic about it. In my heart I was shouting,"Oh God! Oh God! This is fantastic!". (If I had Ariel's decease, i think my heart would stop pumping because of inordinate excitement. :P) And so, I immersed myself into it. After hours & hours, here are some of my mix & match...
You may try it yourself here. Click the below to activate. (For Bobo's Dress Up Game, click here.)
Dress up games - Fashion Games - Doll Maker
So, do you have fun? What? You want more? okok, there are more dress up game at Dollie Bliss. Go play yourself! And Enjoy! :)
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The Four Answers
I was tagged by MT whom blog Project Heavy Traffic have just reached 4000 visitors in 60days on August 23. What an amazing achievement! Congratulations, MT! :)
4 jobs I’ve had
Cheesecake Shop Assistant (part-time)
Clerk (part-time)
4 films I could watch over and over
My Best Friend's Wedding
MiilionDollar Man (all Chow Sing-Chi movies)
Pirates of the Caribbean
4 Places I have lived
Subang Jaya
I've been shifted only once.
4 Favorite TV shows
Desperate Housewives
Full House
Bveerly Hills 90210
4 Favorite Foods
Japanese Cuisine - eg; Sushi
Thai Cuisine - eg; Tomyam
Italian Cuisine - eg; Pasta
Chinese Cuisine - eg; 9 dishes course
4 Websites I visit everyday (of course I have more!)
This Is A Miracle
Emila's Illustrated Blog
4 Places I would love to be
Gold Coast
4 Favorite Colors
4 Names I love but would/could not use for my children
Chloe (because this is the name given to my niece)
Chantel (because this is the name Janice wanted to give to her daugther)
Phoebe (because this reminded me of Marzie's)
Belle (because my darling think this is a lame name)
Lastly, 4 bloggers that I would love to tag
ok, yippee!! i've done one tag. Now, i need to move to another one. See you guys! :)
Disclaimer: The above Graphic is taken from Custom Word Maker - Blinkyou.com. Does not belong to me.
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